Why is venture funding important in NBFC
Any NBFC startup which is registered under RBI to serve its business objective needs fundraising. NBFC is always one of the most popular sectors for the investor as if you manage NBFC by use of technology and big data the risk in business reduce to 5%. Whenever a venture capitalist starts funding for a startup at SEED stage or startup stage or later stage, the financing plan depends on the current market scenario and business growth expected by the founders.
In the modern NBFC business, funding and fundraising act as the major resource which supports the growth of a startup. To achieve the goal of a startup, it is important to ensure the right allocation of fund to each business segment. Fundraising agenda needs to be carried by founder on a regular basis. There is no end of fundraising process for a startup.
Why Every NBFC startup raises foreign funding
- Meeting the financial objective of a startup.
- Remove glitches from the path of success.
- Removing all the financial blockages from the path of success of startups.
- Matching the business standards and high level of competition.
- 100% foreign funding is allowed without any restriction in all type of NBFC. other than Deposit taking NBFC.
- Investment advisory services.
- Financial consultancy.
- For-ex broking.
- Money changing business.
- Credit rating agencies.
- Loan Company
- Assets Finance company