About Service Level Agreement
b. A Service level agreement is an agreement between the service provider and the customer. Service level agreement is output based specifically to define what the customer will receive. Thus, it is a legal document between the service provider and the user of service, it defines the nature, quality, and scope of the service to be provided.
Advantages of Service level Agreement: A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is important for both the person providing a service and the one receiving it. It serves as a final word. By this both the parties play very close attention to the details making it so there is no confusion.All the services that the customer needs are included in the SLA. This means that the customer knows what to expect in terms of quality of service and other certain parameters are defined, making it a necessary document.
A well efficient lawyer from our team shall contact you, and explain you the total process, and will understand the need of Service level agreement.
Once the objectives of the Service level agreement are clear, the lawyer shall draft a sample of Service level agreement.
The draft of Service level agreement shall be sent to you, for your review.
Once you approve it, it shall be served to the other party.
The whole process takes around 3-4 working days.