Trademark Search & filling
A symbol, word, or words legally registered or established by use as representing a company or product.
A trademark is a recognizable sign, design, or expression which identifies products or services of a particular activity. It is in the form of a logo, image, symbol, word(s), letter(s) or colour(s). It is recognition of the company’s ownership of the brand. Trademarked products are considered as form of property. Trademarks are often noted by way of ™, or ® if registered.
Our Services
Trademarks logo and design
Trademark search
Trademark filling, Support and objection
Trademark prosecution
Trademark watch
Trademark renewal services
Required Documents & information
Name of the applicant(Individual/company):
Name of the Trademark:
Phone no:
E mail:
Nationality of the applicant:
Nature of the applicant-Individual, Small firm, Large firm etc:
MSME certificate Scan copy (If applicant is small firm):
A list of goods and/or services for which registration is required:
Nature of the applicant (trader/manufacturers or both):
Soft copy of trademark:
Nature of the trademark i.e. word, 3d, Device, colour combination, sound and logo:
Date of first use of the trademark in India, if at all
Government Fee for filling TM application
Individuals, Start-ups and Small Enterprises e-filling Rs, 4500, and Physical filling Rs.5,000/-
Body Incorporation, Large entity e-filling Fee Rs.9000/-, and for Physical filling Rs.10000/-